
View and download leaflets for adults, young people and children experiencing bereavement, as well as annual reports and other useful resources.

Grief in the first few months

Grief is a normal, natural human experience. You can, however, feel very far from 'normal' as you grieve and might even find yourself asking "is this normal?"

This booklet highlights some of the common experiences that many people experience when they are first bereaved and details support we can offer during this time.

Read our support pack

Download & view

Self-care leaflets for adults

Bereavement Support

There's no timeline on grief, but if you are finding that months, or even years, down the line that grief continues to be very raw and intrusive on everyday life - then you may want to consider our additional support. This pack provides further information. 

Bereavement Support

Bridging the gap

How to support a grieving friend, relative or colleague.


Resources for children & young people

Supporting children & young people

A guide to helping children & young people cope with grief.


After someone dies

A young person’s guide to grief and bereavement.


Little Book of Loss

A short guide created by children, for children


Lesson plans

Bereavement lesson plans for schools.


Impact reports & annual accounts

Annual accounts for 2023/24

Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 31 March 2024

Annual Accounts 2023/24

Our five year strategy

Cruse Scotland Strategy 2022-2027

Our Strategy 2022-27

Annual accounts for 2022/23

Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 31 March 2023

Annual Accounts 2022/23

Cruse Scotland Impact Report 2021/22

Cruse Scotland's Impact Report for 2021/22

Cruse Scotland Impact Report 2021/22

Our support packs translated - more languages coming soon

Polish: Zaloba w pierwszych miesiacach (Grief in the first few months)

Ponizsza broszura podkresla niektóre
doswiadczenia, które sa typowe dla osób w
pierwszych miesiacach zaloby. Ma tez na celu
pomoc Ci poradzic sobie z zaloba i dowiedziec
sie, jakie mozesz uzyskac od nas wsparcie.

POLISH Early Support Pack

Polish: Wsparcie w zalobie (Bereavement Support pack)

Zaloba jest calkowicie normalnym i naturalnym
doswiadczeniem. Mozesz jednak czuc, ze smutek, który przezywasz podczas zaloby odbiega od normy. Mozesz nawet zastanawiac sie czy jest on normalny?

POLISH Additional Support