Full Day In-Service Training

Cruse Scotland offers a range of full day training courses covering more in-depth aspects of supporting bereaved children and young people. 

Full day bereavement training courses for schools can be delivered in-house or digitally and can be designed to:

  • Develop awareness of the grief models on death and subsequent grief journeys across pupil age range
  • Explore vulnerabilities of grief during transitions across Education
  • Develop awareness of language in supporting bereaved pupils
  • Model compassion, empathy and supportive communication with grieving pupils and peers
  • Raise awareness of the types of support schools and education environments can offer pupils
  • Support the bereaved pupil through creative activities
  • Respond to a death in the school community
  • Develop a school bereavement policy.


1 day


Cost would vary depending on training required

To book or for further enquiries:

T: 01738 444178
E: training@crusescotland.org.uk

Twilight Training or Half Day In-Service Day Training


Bereavement eLearning Modules for Schools
