Helpline Volunteers

Often described as a 'life-line' our Free Bereavement Helpline is often the first point of contact for those struggling with their grief. Are you a good listener? Join the team.

Our Bereavement Helpline volunteers are an incredible team. They listen to anyone who calls us who may be going through a difficult time, who may be struggling to cope, or are looking for further information or support.

Some callers phone to refer themselves to our counselling services and volunteers take their details and ask questions about who has died - this as you can imagine requires a great deal of sensitivity. Others call to receive support in the moment - they are looking for someone who will listen to how they are feeling and to be heard. Our volunteers often describe what a privilege this is to be the one on the end of the helpline for a client who has shared their story.

Clients who have benefitted from this service repeatedly tell us how much they appreciate our Bereavement Helpline and the time and invaluable support they received from the volunteers.

The number of calls we receive are increasing and we would love to hear from enthusiastic and compassionate people to join our team of volunteers and to continue being a 'life-line' for those struggling with their grief.

Full training is provided (you do not need to be a qualified counsellor) and to be a good fit for the role, you should have excellent listening skills and the ability to put people at ease on the telephone. 

Successful applicants are required to attend all 5 training dates over Zoom before undertaking this role and those dates will be confirmed here shortly. Each training day will last from 10am - 4pm.

Download Application details here:

Helpline role further information (.pdf)

Helpline Application form (.docx)

Equality and Diversity form (.pdf)


Closing date for applications:

Monday 10 June 2024 at noon.

Interviews: TBC


If you have any questions about the role, please don’t hesitate to contact us at