
After his own experience of grief, Guy re-trained to become a counsellor and now volunteers with Cruse Scotland. He felt bereavement counselling helped him “find a way through the loss and pain”.

After a career in industry, Guy returned to university and completed his studies and training for a Master of Counselling degree. Volunteering for Cruse “just seemed to make sense – I wanted to be able to give something back.”

In order to become a Cruse Counsellor, Guy undertook Cruse’s Specialist Course in Bereavement and has since found “the Cruse community to be welcoming and supportive – with regular meetings with other volunteers, training events and an environment that nurtures, encourages and trusts.”

Guy feels passionate about the work he does: “As a volunteer, my role is to provide a space to talk it through, to be the listening ear, to be with those that reach out. Listening, working through grief or simply being with someone as they share, is such a privilege. To be with someone in that space, on part of their journey, can be so meaningful.”

As an established counsellor and psychotherapist, Guy continues to volunteer at Cruse Scotland.




